Tips for the Perfect Coffee
Coffee? From an espresso maker? Yes, you read that correctly.
For the traditional espresso maker does not produce enough
pressure to produce a "real espresso". But the coffee is still
The classic was invented in Italy in 1933 and sparked a mini
coffee revolution. You could fi nally enjoy this fi ne-tasting coffee
at home and you no longer had to go to coffee bars to do so.
But to really enjoy the fi nest coffee from this charming coffee
maker, the coffee type and grinding fi neness as well as the water
temperature and the boiling time should be perfectly matched
to one another. Below we provide you with the best tips so that
you can truly enjoy the fi nest coffee experience cup after cup.
Coffee is largely made up of water, and you should there-
fore make sure that the quality of the water you use for
brewing your coffee is good. Since tap water is often too
hard, we recommend that you use fi ltered water. For a
particularly fi ne fl avour, you can also use still mineral water.
Here, too, you should experiment, because not every min-
eral water tastes the same.
To ensure that the coffee retains its own fl avour as much as
possible and does not become bitter, it is advisable to pre-
heat the water. For if the jug is placed on the hob containing
cold water, the metal heats up too much. This can cause the
coffee to become bitter and acquire a metallic aftertaste.
... From Your Espresso Maker