Grinding Fineness
Coffee loses its aroma quickly after grinding. To get the best
out of the coffee beans, we recommend that you grind them
just before brewing - preferably by hand. The advantage of
manual coffee mills is that the grinding fi neness can generally
be infi nitely set and therefore adjusted more precisely, and
the coffee mills are also easier to clean, which means that it is
possible to switch between different types of coffee without
any problem.
The grinding fi neness is one of the decisive factors. If it is
too fi ne, the coffee is over-extracted and becomes bitter. In
addition, the coffee powder is compacted too much. If it is
too coarse, not enough aromas are released into the water.
The grinding fi neness needs to be coarser than for an es-
presso machine. The ideal grinding fi neness is between that
for fi ne espresso and that for a manual fi lter. The grain size
of table salt can act as a guide. If you want to be on the safe
side, let a barista that you trust grind a small portion of the
beans and use this as a comparison when grinding at home.
To obtain a successful result, you should keep a very close
eye on the ratio of coffee powder to water. If the fi lter is
not fi lled with a suffi cient amount of coffee powder, the
coffee loses fl avour. Conversely, if you use too much coffee
powder, it becomes too fi rm and the water rising up will
not get through or will only get through with diffi culty. We
recommend you start with approx. 15 g of coffee for your
espresso maker. This means that the fi lter is fi lled nice and
full and smoothed down.