8 Malfunctions
No water jet despite the
unit being turned on.
Overload switch has triggered.
If the built-in or external overload switch triggers, implement the follow-
ing steps:
Motor shaft not running smoothly:
Motor shaft runs smoothly:
If the pump has seized, repeated starting can damage the motor.
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VG 766.2330.061
Separate the unit from the power supply.
Turn the motor shaft on the fan side with a screwdriver and
check that it is running smoothly.
Remove screwdriver.
Notify customer services and have the overhang counter swim
unit inspected.
Remove screwdriver.
Reconnect the power supply.
Only switch the unit on once.
Wait until the motor has cooled and only then reset the over-
load switch
Have an electrician check the power supply, safeguards and
power consumption.
If the built-in or external overload switch trips again, notify cus-
tomer services.
Possible Cau-
Possible solution
- Air in the sys-
- Leakage in the
suction line
- Air drain valve
leaking or not
Check screws, re-
place seals.
Ventilate the pump
and suction line.
See point 6.1,
page 51