To ensure maximum safety, the steering wheel should always
be regulated so that the handlebars steering the motorcycle
rotate freely without play. To check steering wheel adjustment,
place kick stand or other support under the engine so that the
front wheel is raised from ground.
Place slight pressure on the tips of the handlebars to rotate steer-
ing wheel; the handlebars should also rotate without effort.
Stand in front of the motorcycle and grasp the lower end of
the fork rods sliders moving them in the direction of their axis.
Se si avverte gioco occorrerà eseguire la regolazione operando
come segue:
- loosen steering sleeve nut (1).
- Loosen four screws that fix steering head to fork rods (3).
Turn the steering ring nut (2) clockwise of the steering sleeve
proper tool, to adjust play properly.
- Tighten steering sleeve nut (1) to a torque setting of 57,9÷65,1
Lb/ft; (78,4÷88,3 Nm).
- Tighten four screws on the steering head (3) to a torque of
22,5÷26,5 Nm (16.6÷19.5 Lb/ft).
CAUTION*: Do not ride a motorcycle with
damaged steering stem bearings. An unsafe
handling condition can result.