6.4 Bed exit assistant
Delay times can be set for the light alarm when someone leaves the bed. During these tole-
rance times, the light alarm is suppressed. This enables mobile residents to go to the toilet
without triggering the light alarm. The menu for setting the tolerance times can be opened by
touching the wrench symbol in the previous menu.
Report d'appel
01 You can set a delay time for this, during which the light alarm is suppressed while the re-
sident is away from the bed. To cover visits to the restroom, for example, a tolerance time
of 0 – 30 minutes is typical. If the resident does not return to the bed within the set time,
a light alarm is triggered.
02 This selection determines whether or not a call is triggered if the resident has left the bed
(bed exit) or is just getting up (early-warning alarm).
03 If the early-warning alarm option is selected, you can specify the call sensitivity in this sub-
menu. Please also consider the resident's weight when setting this value.
04 This setting determines whether the bed exit assistant is active permanently or only in a
definable period.
05 Set the period of time when the bed exit assistant is inactive.
As the bed exit function is based on the weighing system, the mentioned settings
can only be made while the resident is in bed. Otherwise, the system cannot trans-
mit reliable signals.
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