• Accessible functions from the menu
Language is used to choose the language of menu
units is used to choose the depth unit and temp. unit.
Beeper is used to determine whether the fish finder will
sound a tone or not when a key is pressed.
System reset
System reset is used to restore original factory setting.
Simulator is used to let you practicing using the fish
finder as if you were on the water.
under the simulating mode, the simulated bottom signal
with fish signals will display and move across the screen,
and under the simulating mode, you still could change
settings to view different sonar image to have a complete
understanding of your fish finder.
Depth Range
Depth range determines in which portion the bottom will
display in the screen (for example, if the actual depth
is 10 m, and the current depth range is 20 m, then the
bottom will display on 50% portion of the screen.
There are total 10 levels for depth range setting.
The default setting is auto, wich will keep the bottom
always display in a prper portion on the screen. However
in some certain situation, you could also manually select
a depth range.
Zoom range
Zoom range is used to enlarge some certain depth
segment, which is helpful for you to see small details,
fish signals and bottom structure.
Your fish finder has a wonderful performance to see any
depth segment with any scale.
Backlight allows the unit to be used at night.
There are 10 levels for you to adjust the brightness of
contrast can let you get a suitable display.
Overlap data
on the upper left corner display, there are 3 readout:
Water depth, temperature, voltage. overlap data
determine which readout will be displayed.
Depth alarm
The fish finder sound an alarm tone when the bottom
goes shallower or equal than the alarm's setting. note:
once triggered, an alarm message will appear on the
screen. You can press menu key to exit the depth alarm
mode, however the alarm will trigger again until your
boat move to an area where the water depth is beyond
the depth alarm range. You also can choose exiting alarm
mode by enter into death alarm menu and artificially
increase the current depth alarm value to a safe grade.
Fish alarm
The fish finder sound an alarm tone when it detects what
it determines to be a fish.
Main battery alarm
The fish finder sounds an alarm tone when the battery
strength of the sonar unit is lower than the setting.
note: once triggered, an alarm message will appear on
the screen "main VTG low!". The alarm will repeatedly
appear unless the voltage of the battery is higher than
the battery alarm setting.
You can manually choose exiting the alarm mode by
entering into main battery alarm menu setting, and just
changing the setting to a safe value will be ok.
Main boat alarm
The fish finder sounds an alarm tone when the battery
strength of your bait boat is lower than the setting.
note: only when the ReS sensor is powered by the
battery of your bait boat, then the boat battery alarm can
be available.
note: once triggered, an alarm message will appear on
the screen "boat VTG low!". The alarm will repeatedly
appear unless the voltage of the boat is higher than the
You can manually choose exiting the alarm mode by
entering into boat battery alarm menu setting, and just
changing the setting to a safe value will be ok.
Sensitive determines how echoes will be displayed on
the screen.
Increasing the sensitivity will make you see more details
on the screen.
In deep water, increasing the sensitivity. Whereas in
shallow decreasing the sensitivity.
In most situations, just setting sensitivity to "Auto" will
work well.
note: The menu display will change from figure A to B as
soon as entering menu setting.
Fish ID sens
Fish ID sens is used to adjust the threshold of fish size
If you select a higher setting, then some weaker returns
can be detected and displayed as small fish on screen,
which will be very helpful when you are intending to
catch larger fish species.
Magic Grayline
Grayline is used to let you see both strong and weak
signals on the display.
If Grayline is "inversed", weak returns will be shown with
dark pixels and strong returns with lighter pixels. This is
very helpful of ensuring that weak signals will be clearly
visible on the display.
If Grayline is "on", strong returns will be shown with
dark pixels and weak returns with lighter pixels. This is
very helpful of ensuring that strong signals will be clearly
visible on the display.