If the engine fails to start, release the start
switch, then push the start switch again.
Pause a few seconds before the next at-
tempt. Each cranking should be as short as
possible to preserve battery energy. Do not
crank the engine more than 10 seconds on
each attempt.
If the battery is discharged, pull the recoil
starter to start the engine.
7. If the engine is started with the starter (choke)
in position 1, the starter (choke) should be
returned to position 2 to warm up the en-
gine. If the engine is started with the starter
(choke) in position 2, keep the starter
(choke) in this position to warm up the en-
8. Continue warming up the engine until it idles
smoothly and return the starter (choke) to po-
sition 3 before riding.
See the "Engine break-in" section prior to op-
erating engine for the first time.