(***)*- Freezer
0 stars
Fresh food
≤ -18
≤ -18
≤ -12
≤ -6
-6 ~ 0
- 2 ~ + 3
0 ~ + 4
+ 5 ~ + 20
Suitable for fresh frozen food, like seafood
(fish, shrimp, shellfish), freshwater products
and meat (recommended for 3 months, the
longer it is stored, the worse the flavour and
nutrients will be).
Not suitable for fresh frozen food, like
seafood (fish, shrimp, shellfish), freshwater
products and meat (recommended for 3
months, the longer it is stored, the worse
the flavour and nutrients will be).
Not suitable for fresh frozen food, like
seafood (fish, shrimp, shellfish), freshwater
products and meat (recommended for 2
months, the longer it is stored, the worse
the flavour and nutrients will be).
Not suitable for fresh frozen food, like
seafood (fish, shrimp, shellfish), freshwater
products and meat (recommended for 3
months, the longer it is stored, the worse
the flavour and nutrients will be).
Fresh pork, beef, fish, chicken, some packed
processed foods, etc. (recommended to be
consumed that same day, preferably no
more than 3 days).
Partially encapsulated processed food
(non-frozen food)
Fresh/frozen pork, beef, chicken, some
freshwater products, etc. (7 days below
0ºC, recommended to be preserved at a
temperature above 0ºC to be consumed that
same day, preferably no more than 2 days).
Seafood (less than 0ºC for 15 days, not
recommended to be preserved at a
temperature above 0ºC).
Fresh pork, beef, fish, chicken, cooked food,
etc. (recommended to be consumed that
same day, preferably no more than 3 days).
Red wine, white wine, sparkling wine, etc.