work .
Once the motor is warmed up, lower the central broom lever to pos . 1 as illustrated in Fig.10 .
Press the drive pedal with your right foot Detail 3 Fig. 7 in the forward drive direction (see arrow on
pedal) . Press the pedal gradually, never using abrupt movements, for a smooth start-up and to speed
up gradually .
Press the drive pedal with your right foot Detail 3 Fig. 7 in the reverse drive direction (see arrow on
pedal) . Press the pedal gradually, never using abrupt movements, for a smooth start-up and to speed
up gradually . For safety reasons, the reverse drive speed is very slow .
Take your foot off the drive lever .
Release the drive pedal Detail 3 Fig. 7; you will notice that the machine tends to stop within a short
distance, if you wish to stop press the brake pedal abruptly Detail 1 Fig. 7 .
Turn the ignition key Detail 6 Fig. 11 counterclockwise .