Do not thaw frozen breastmilk in a microwave or in a pan of boiling
Never microwave breastmilk. Microwaving can cause severe burns
to baby's mouth from hot spots that develop in the milk during
microwaving. Microwaving can also change the composition
of breastmilk.
If adding expressed breastmilk to container of already frozen
breastmilk, make sure to add a lesser amount than the already
frozen amount.
If there is low or no suction
1. Make sure all connections of the kit and breastpump are secure.
2. If single pumping, make sure the port plug is placed into one of the
single pumping ports.
3. Make sure the white membrane is laying flat against the yellow
valve head. Check that the membrane is clean and not
damaged. Refer to the assembly instructions.
4. Make sure the diaphragm cap or faceplate on the front of the
breastpump fits evenly and securely.
5. Make sure the ends of the tubings are fit securely into the backs
of the breastshields and into the ports on the diaphragm cap
or faceplate.