Check safety valve
Inspect air filter
Drain tank
Check pump oil level
Change pump oil
Oil leak inspection
Inspect drive belt
Check drive belt tension
Check pulley/flywheel alignment
Check for unusual noise/vibration
Check for air leaks
Clean air compressor exterior
Remove tank from service
* To check for air leaks apply a solution of soapy water around joints. While air compressor is pumping to pressure and after pressure
cuts out, look for air bubbles to form.
** The pump oil must be changed after the first 20 hours of operation. Thereafter, when using full synthetic non-detergent air
compressor oil, change oil every 100 hours of operation or once a year, whichever comes first.
+ Perform more frequently in dusty or humid conditions.
++ For more information, call 1-888-895-4549 .
Maintenance Schedule
1 Year or 100 Hours
See Tank Warning