9. Software Programming Guide
1) Interface:
The touch screen is used for selecting
and displaying data. The multi-function
encoder is used for editing data.
functions of the encoder are shown below:
2) Home screen:
Process value: This is the current value in
degrees of the active heat zone (selected
by the heat zone button).
Set temperature: This is the current set-point
value in degrees for the active heat zone. To
change the set temperature, simply touch
the red value on the screen and the value
will be highlighted. Rotate the encoder left
or right to change the value in 1-degree
increments. Press the joystick up or down
to change the temperature in 1/10 degree
increments. Press the center button on
the joystick to save the change. (These
temperatures are saved to the currently
selected profile)
Ready indicator: This square icon indicates
whether the machine is at temperature to
dispense. When first starting the machine,
the indicator will remain red in color
until all temperature zones are heated
to set temperature. Once all zones are
at temperature, the icon will turn green,
indicating that we are now ready to
Heat zone: In automatic temperature mode,
this button has no function. In manual
temperature mode, pressing this button
cycles through the 3 heat zones on the
espresso system: Inlet Boiler, Outlet Boiler
and Brew Head. (Refer to "Advanced
preferences screen").
Settings button: This button navigates to the
main settings screen.
Machine status: Displays the current status of
the module & tap.
Machine name: Displays the machine name
(user editable in advanced preferences).
Active pressure profile: Displays which pressure
profile is currently selected.
Volume read-out: Displays real-time fluid
volume information during any given
dispensing cycle (Manual, Auto and Rinse).
Pressure read-out: Displays current pressure
in the module.
Tip: When the module is in setup mode (no
heaters, main switch in the left position),
the pressure read-out will accurately
indicate your water supply pressure.
*boilers must be below 70°C or 150°F.
2) Main settings screen:
Home screen: This button navigates back to
the home screen / dashboard.
Profile menu: This button navigates to the
profile selection menu.
Preferences: This button navigates to the
system preferences page.