Do not exceed a stacked width greater than
1/2" (12.7 mm) with this saw.
9. Lower the blades below the top of the Table
13 and insert the Bosch Dado Table Insert
109. Raise the cutters to the desired depth
of cut (above the insert). Check that the
tool's Battery Pack 29 is disconnected, then
carefully rotate the cutters by hand to make
sure all components are tightly held and no
interferences exist.
10. Reinsert the Battery Pack 29 into the saw.
11. Using scrap wood, make practice dado cuts
and adjust height accordingly.
NOTE: Because dado cuts are non-through cuts,
the Miter Gauge 14 can be used with the Rip
Fence 9 locked in place. This is helpful when
making repeat dado cross-cuts from the ends of
more than one work piece. Each piece is held
against the Miter Gauge 14 and its end slides
along the Rip Fence 9 at a preset distance.
Depending on the final depth of cut and/or the
density of the material, it may be required to
make multiple cuts starting with small depths
of 1/4" (6 mm) to 1/2" (13 mm) and progress-
ing to final depth. When performing extensive
repetitive dado cutting, periodically check the
work pieces to see that the depth of cut is main-
Fig. 92
1609B07947GTS18V-08 OSI 08-2022.indd 58
Basic Table Saw Operations
Adjustable or Wobble Dado Sets
To reduce the risk of injury,
do not use adjustable or
"wobble" dado sets on this saw. Adjustable
dado sets can be easily set to positions that may
interfere with working components of this saw.
Special Cutting Techniques
Do not attempt to perform
cuts not covered in this
manual unless you are thoroughly familiar with
appropriate procedures and fixturing.
This table saw is a highly versatile tool, capable
of performing a wide range of highly specialized
cuts that cannot be covered in this manual.
See your local library for books on woodworking
techniques, such as: The Complete Book of Sta-
tionary Power Tool Techniques by R.J. De Christo-
foro or Table Saw Techniques by R. Cliffe.
8/3/22 2:44 PM