Windows and roof lights
11.5.4 Front screen blind
As a standard, the vehicle is
equipped with a windscreen
blind. This is a one-piece pleated
blind which can be closed from
bottom to top with the handle
strip. Two positions – open and
closed – are possible. To close
the pleated blind, grasp the strip
(1) centrally and pull it upwards
slowly until the top locking
position (2) has been reached.
Windscreen blind (sample illustration)
11.5.5 Cab blind (optional)
The cab can be equipped with an optional blind system.
Closing the windscreen blinds: Release the strip on the right from its retainer on the window frame and
pull it slowly to the centre of the window. Pull the left strip to the centre of the window in the same way
until the two blinds meet and adhere together with the magnets.
EN 89