Safety Warnings
Please comply with the 'Warnings for Safe Use' as they are provided to ensure safe and proper use of the device and
prevent accidents and dangerous situations.
● The 'Warnings for Safe Use' section is divided into 'Warning' and 'Caution,' which are defined as follows:
Potentially dangerous situation that can cause
serious injuries or death if not avoided.
Potentially dangerous situation that can cause
minor injuries if not avoided.
About the Power Supply
! Warning
Please use the product
only with a Power Outlet
exclusively for 120V with
at least a rating of 15A and
when properly grounded.
Do not plug multiple devices
into the same Power Outlet
• If you use it with a lot of products, it may cause a fire or an electric
• Please check the power outlet regularly.
• If it is not properly grounded, it may cause electric shock due to short
• If there is a foreign substance or moisture on the Power Plug, wipe it
thoroughly before use.
Do not bend, tie or pull the
Power Cord by force.
• Due to electric shock or short
it may cause electric shock or fire.
Please check the Power Plug frequently.
Do not use an attachable
multi-power outlet.
• It may cause a fire or electric shock.
This symbol indicates a potentially dangerous situation under
specific circumstances.
Please read the details carefully and follow the instructions to
avoid dangerous situations.
This symbol is used to indicate actions that are 'prohibited'.
This symbol is used to indicate 'instructed' actions.
If a Power Cord or a Power
Plug is damaged or when
the Power Outlet is shaky,
stop using the product
and contact our Customer
Service Center.
• If the sheath of the Power Cord is peeled off or chopped during use
due to negligence, it may cause a fire or electric shock. Thus, please
check the state of the Power Cord, Power Plug and Power Outlet
• To prevent dangerous situations arising from the damage of the
Power Cord or the Power Plug, please contact the manufacturer,
distributor or certified technician (servicemen) for replacement.
• We strongly recommend that the damaged parts be repaired at a
designated service center.
• It may cause electric shock, short circuit, and fire.
If there is any moisture, dust,
or foreign substances on the
Power Plug, remove them
with a dry cloth.
• It may cause electric shock or fire.
Please check the Power Plug frequently.
If you use a movable
extension cord, use only
a single product for an
extension cord of 15A of
current capacity and ensure
that it is properly grounded.
• It may cause a fire or electric shock.