Pump 4
Pump cycling
Time-dependent pump cycling
Pump test run
Maximum pump running time
Activation and deactivation thresholds
Actual value
Sensor: Signal type
Sensor: Measurement range
Pump activation and deactivation delay times
Delay time
Follow-up time
Operating mode
Operating mode of the switchgear
Pump operating mode
Limit values
Switchgear data
Controller type; ID number; software/fi rmware
Operating hours
Operating hours of pump 1
Operating hours of pump 2
Operating hours of pump 3
Operating hours of pump 4
Switching cycles
Switching cycles of pump 1
Switching cycles of pump 2
Switching cycles of pump 3
Switching cycles of pump 4
Communication parameters
Output parameters
Collective run signal (SBM) parameter
Collective fault signal (SSM) parameter
GSM modem
Dry run
Switching threshold for dry run signal.
Delay time (restart after dry run)
Follow-up time in event of dry run
High water
Switching threshold for high water signal
Delay time (up to triggering of high water)
Base-load pump: Activation threshold
Base-load pump: Deactivation threshold
Base-load pump: Delay time deactivation
Peak-load pump 1: Activation threshold
Peak-load pump 2: Activation threshold
WILO SE 08-2016 V05 DIN A4