material. "Fast Reading" program combined with exercises helps to get rid of "fear"
of quick reading and to assimilate the material to the fullest extent. This will let us
become effective and successful in all areas of life.
The program is recommended to use daily in the morning and afternoon.
The human brain contains a large amount of knowledge. At certain moments, the
memory is not able to give the necessary information quickly. "Short Term Memory"
program increases the efficiency of the brain, improves memory and in conjunction
with a healthy lifestyle adjusts the human psycho-emotional component to positive.
The program is recommended to use daily in the morning and afternoon.
Wellness technique is a healthy diet, moderate physical exercises, fresh air, and
cessation from harmful habits - largely reduces the risk of various diseases. However,
in today's world it is not always possible to commit oneself to the concept of wellness
consistently. This is especially true for large cities, with their constant stresses, rapid
way of life and a poisoned environment.
DeVita-Ritm devices are designed to help the body to maintain vitality at a high level,
to work effectively even in an unfavorable external environment, to preserve youth
and beauty for years to come.
30. Short Term Memory (Short Term Mem.)