NAVIPASS Modbus - Accessory
Example: to set the configuration 8 bits / 1 Bit stop / no parity and 9600 baud => 1-0-2-3
It is therefore necessary to write 1023 in hexadecimal or 4131 in decimal.
A factory reset (press for 10 seconds on any of the buttons) resets the configuration
with the value 0x1025.
3.3. Adjusting the "time out" of response via the register 0x0009
The response time of the boiler varies based on your installation. Thus, to optimize
response times and avoid obtaining Modbus errors N°06, you can modify the Time out.
During a query by the PLC, the Modbus NAVIPASS:
- either will respond immediately with an error code (wrong address, wrong
- or will give the response to the question. If the boiler does not respond to
Time out
The value is adjustable from 0 to 10000 milliseconds (which is 0x0000 to 0x2710).
By default, this value is set to 5000 ms (factory output setting) or 0x1388 in
58 / 202
length, wrong function, wrong data),
the NAVIPASS Modbus before the end of the "time out", the latter will send
the PLC the Modbus error code No. 06 "server device busy"
Boiler internal bus treatment time
Wait for response
TIME OUT actuator
Wait for response
The response is stored in the NAVIPASS Modbus
and then is deleted after 10 seconds or once it is
transmitted to the PLC
The response can be either the value or a fault code
Possible values
Read Write
0 ... 10000 ms
During a power failure, the value of the time out
is automatically re-initialised to 5000 ms (factory
output setting).
The time out set in the Modbus NAVIPASS must be
lower than that set in the PLC.
Adjustable parameter (0 to 10
seconds) to the address 0x0009
Values displayed
Type of