Quarter- yearly
Yearly examination
5.2. Troubleshooting
- Before the welding machines are dispatched from the factory, they have already been tested and
calibrated accurately. It is forbidden for anyone who is not authorized by our company to do any
change to the equipment!
- Maintenance course must be operated carefully. If any wire becomes exible or is misplaced, it
maybe potential danger to user!
- Only professional maintenance sta that isauthorized by our company could overhaul the machine!
- Be sure to shut o the Main Input Power before doing any repair work on the welding machine!
- If there is any problem and there is no authorized professional maintenance personal on site, please
contact local agent or the distributor!
If there are some simple troubles with the welding machine, you can consult the following Chart:
there is any di erence and it has a ected the normal welding results,
please adjust it.
- Check whether the fan is damaged and whether it is normal to rotate or
control. If the fan is damaged, please change immediately. If the fan does
not rotate after the machine is overheated, observe if there is something
blocking the blade. If it is blocked, please clear the problem. If the fan
does not rotate after getting rid of the above problems, you can poke the
blade by the rotation direction of fan. If the fan rotates normally, the start
capacity should be replaced. If not, change the fan.
- Observe whether the fast connector is loose or overheated. If the
arc-welding machine has the above problems, it should be fastened or
- Observe whether the current output cable is damaged. If it is damaged, it
should be insulated or changed.
- Using the dry compressed air to clear the inside of arc welding machine.
Especially for clearing up the dusts on radiator, main voltage transformer,
inductors, IGBT modules, fast recover diodes, PCB's, etc.
- Check the screws and bolts in the machine. If any is loose, please screw it
tight. If it is shaved, please replace. If it is rusty, please erase rust on all bolts
to ensure it works well.
Check whether the actual current accords with the displaying value. If they
did not accord, they should be regulated. The actual welding current value
can be measured by and adjusted by plier-type ampere meter.
Measure the insulating impedance among the main circuit, PCB and case,
if it below 1M , insulation is thought to be damaged and need to change,
and need to change or strengthen insulation.
Maintenance items