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Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Err 1
Err 2
Err 3
Err 4
Err 5
Err 6
Err 7
Err 8
Err 9
Err 10

10.5 Error limits

Err 2
Err 3
Err 4
Err 5
Err 6
Err 7
Err 8
Err 10
Self-diagnosis failed
Measured value out of range
Measured buffer/standard temperature
val ue out of range
Offset out of range
Slope out of range
Meter does not recognize the buffer
Data entry error in setting the user-de-
fined buffer
ATC measured temperature is different to
the user-defined value
The current data set has already been
stored once
Measured conductivity temperature out
of range
Measured value out of range
For conductivity, TDS, salinity and resis-
tiv i ty, the error message appears only if
the upper limit is exceeded.
Measured buffer/standard temperature
val ue out of range
Offset out of range
Slope out of range
Wrong buffer
Invalid pH for user-defined buffer
ATC measured temperature is different to
the user-defined value
Conductivity measured temperature out
of range
Repeat the self-diagnosis procedure and
make sure that you finish pressing all seven
keys within two minutes. If Err 1 persists, call
Make sure that the pH electrode wetting cap
has been removed and check if the elec trode/
sen sor is properly connected and placed in a
sample solution.
Keep the buffer/standard temperature within
the range for calibration.
Make sure you have the correct pH buffer and
that it is fresh. Clean or replace the electrode.
Make sure you have the correct pH buffer and
that it is fresh. Clean or replace the electrode.
Make sure you have the correct pH buffer and
that it is fresh. Check that the buffer has not
been used more than once during the cal i-
bra tion.
When entering the user-defined buffer value,
the meter does not accept a value whose pH
dif fers by less than 1 pH unit from other pre-
set values. Re-enter a value.
Keep the buffer or sample at the set tem per a-
ture or change the temperature setting.
A measurement can only be stored once. Per-
form a new measurement to store a new data
Check if the electrode is properly connected
and keep the sample temperature within the
Range not accepted
pH: < 0.00 or > 14.00
mV: < -1999 or > 1999
Conductivity: < 0.1 µs/cm or > 500 mS/
TDS: < 0.1 mg/L or > 300 g/L
Salinity: < 0.01 ppt or > 80 ppt
Resistivity: < 0.01 MΩ•cm or > 100
T (pH): < 5 or > 50 °C
T(cond.): < 0 °C or > 35 °C
| Eref1-Eb | > 60 mV
| Eref1-Eb | > 60 mV
I ∆Eref1I < 10 mV
I ∆pHI < 1 pH
| tATC-tbuffer | > 1 °C
T: < -5 °C or > 105 °C
pH/conductivity meter SG23


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