Leaking water:
When installing the spa, both the water plug and drainage sealing cover must be tightened.
Leaking air:
Both the gray and black parts of the one-way valve need to be tightened.
About heating:
Every time the spa is reused after a power off, the temperature needs to be reset, otherwise the spa can only
be heated to 100 , the spa cover needs to be covered during heating and the lock button needs to be inserted.
Adding floor mat to the spa will provide better heating and insulation effects.
Long time use will lead to slight expansion of SPA, which is a normal phenomenon and looks like air leakage. We
just need to restart the connecting inflation hose to inflate. It is a normal phenomenon that bubbles will emerge
from the airway hole in the pool during inflation.
If there is no water in the pool, filtration and heating cannot be turned on. If there is no water in it, prolonged acti-
vation of filtration can cause abnormal noise and jamming of the filtration pump. Water must be filled before use.
After using the spa, you can use a bandage to quickly store the pool, reducing its size and saving space.
A. Loss of air
Inflatable spas, by design, may lose air after a period of time, especially when exposed to cold temperatures.
This is a normal phenomenon and does not mean that the spa has a defective area where air is leaking.
Step 1
Check the tightness of the air valve screw connection (black/grey). This valve has a double function, i.e. to inflate
and deflate air.
1. When using BUBBLE in the pool, it is normal for the
temperature to drop quickly because the heat dissipa-
tion is faster when using BUBBLE.
2. After opening BUBBLE for 20 minutes, it will stop
blowing for 10 minutes to protect the motor. If you
forcibly use BUBBLE, you can power off and restart it
before use.