Using the Rhythm function
If you selected the Ending phrase, Rhythm playback stops at the
end of this phrase.
Viewing the measure and beat number
To see the measure numbers while the RP301R plays back
the selected Rhythm, press the [Rhythm] button once or
The display then changes to:
Gt Beat
The "Measure" page is only displayed while Rhythm playback is
Automatically starting Rhythm playback
If you don't want to press the [Start/Stop] button to start Rhythm
playback (because you want to start at the same time as the
Rhythm), you can switch on the Sync function:
Press and hold the [Start/Stop] button and press the [+] or
[–] button.
The display changes to:
Keep holding the [Start/Stop] button and press the [+] or
[–] button to switch the Sync function on or off.
When the Sync function is on, Rhythm playback starts as soon as
you start playing on the keyboard.
Adding transitions to the Rhythm arrangement
Rather than switching from the simple to the complex Variation
pattern right away, you may want to "announce" the upcoming
change. Such transitions are called "fill-ins". The RP301R plays them
automatically for the remainder of the current measure whenever
you switch the [Variation] button on or off.
There are two kinds of fills: one for the transition between the
simple an complex Variation pattern (when [Variation] is switched
on), and one for the transition from complex to simple.
Press and hold the [Variation] button and press the [+] or
[–] button.
The display changes to:
Keep holding the [Variation] button while pressing the [+]
or [–] function to switch the AutoFill function on or off.
When the AutoFill function is on, the RP301R will play a transition
between each switch from the simple to the complex Variation
pattern (and vice versa).
Changing the tempo of the current Rhythm
Each Rhythm contains a default tempo setting that is used each
time you select a Rhythm and start playback. You can, however,
slow it down or speed it up by proceeding as follows:
After selecting the desired Rhythm, press the [Rhythm]
button once or twice until the display looks as follows:
Tempo ¯=
Use the [–] [+] buttons to set the desired tempo.
To return to the Rhythm's default tempo, simultaneously press the
[–] and [+] buttons.
Changing the Rhythm volume
You may find the selected Rhythm accompaniments too loud or
too soft with respect to your own solo playing. In that case, you can
change the Rhythm's playback level:
Press and hold the [Rhythm] button and use the [–] and
[+] buttons to set the desired level.
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