About Quality Control Test
- When you open a new bottle of Rightest
Solution is good for 3 months after opening the bottle, or until the expiration date printed on
the label, whichever comes first.
- Replace the vial cap of control solution and close tightly right away after using of control solution sample.
- Check the expiration date before you use the control solution. ( Refer to Control Solution Package Insert. )
Solution, please write the discard date on the label.
Exp. Date 2014-06
Starting with Check Key
1. Insert the Rightest
Check Key with " Check Key " word, facing up, into test strip port. The meter
quickly goes through a series of internal checks.
2. The check key allows you to make sure your meter is functioning well. You can see "
and "
" symbol blinking on the screen.
The check key also allows your meter proceeding quality control test with control solution.
The check key is only for functional testing of meter. If you want to make sure strip and meter
work properly, please use control solution for the test ( see page 52 for detail. )
3. If both "
" symbol and "
" symbol blinking appear, remove check key and insert it again.
If error screen appears again, your meter is not working correctly. Please contact Bionime authorized
distributor or Customer Service Center.
Performing a Quality Control Test
" symbol