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RFL Electronics RFL 9300 Manual De Instruccion página 357

Sistema de comparación de carga


Acceptance tests, laboratory, 7-1
Accessing the RFL 9300 from a PC or terminal, 6-30
ACT I/O module
component locator drawing, 11-6
controls and indicators, 11-1
description, 11-1
hardware description, 2-10
parts list, 11-4
schematic, 11-7
theory of operation, 11-2
Active channel selection, 4-12
Address code selection
display controller, 9-4
Address decoding
communications controller module, 13-9
display controller, 9-4
Addressing, 6-54
Alarm I/O module
component locator drawing, 21-5, 21-10
controls and indicators, 21-1
description, 21-1
parts list, 21-4, 21-9
schematic, 21-7, 21-11
theory of operation, 21-2
clearing, 6-16
codes, 6-15, 28-1
delay, communications, 4-10
display, viewing, 6-34
Application information
modem, 29-1
RFL 9300, 3-1
APRIL commands, 6-33
Auxiliary current transformer module, 11-1
Back-up, 2-21
functions, system, 4-7
ground overcurrent, 4-8
phase overcurrent, 4-8
Backup tripping, 8-15
Baud rate selection, RS-232, 4-12
Beeper control, 4-11
control, 4-5
ground, 4-5
phase, 4-1
Block diagrams
fiber optic I/O modules, 18-6, 18-8, 18-10
fiber optic transceiver module, 17-7
power supply modules, 19-4
RFL 9300, 2-2, 2-3
Cable, overhead or underground, 3-16, 4-9
Calculations for low-side faults, 3-22
Changing the password, 6-51
Channel impairment characteristics
direct digital or fiber optic, 2-5
single-channel modem, 2-7
RFL 9300
December 15, 2002
B e c a u s e R F L ™ a n d H u b b e l l ® h a v e a p o l i c y o f c o n t i n u o u s p r o d u c t i mp r o v e me n t , we r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o c h a n g e d e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s wi t h o u t n o t i c e .
Section 31. INDEX
Channel selection, active, 4-12
Characteristics, channel impairment
direct digital or fiber optic, 2-5
single-channel modem, 2-7
description, 24-1, 25-1
dimensions, 1-10
expansion chassis, 26-1
Chip enables, display controller, 9-3
Clearing an alarm, 6-16
Codes, alarm, 6-15, 28-1
Commands, APRIL, 6-33
Commissioning, field, 8-1
Commissioning, final, 8-35
Communication information, 6-30
alarm delay, 4-10
end-to-end, verification of, 8-16
information, 6-30
management, interboard, 10-3
mode, 4-11
phone line, 5-9
Communications controller module
address decoder, 13-9
controls and indicators, 13-1
description, 13-1
hardware description, 2-4
hot standby two-channel modem operation, 13-5
parts list, 13-11
read and write circuits for RFL 93 MO, 13-9
read and write circuits for RFL 93 SV, 13-9
receiver circuit, 13-6
receiver timing diagram, 13-8
single-channel digital or fiber optic operation, 13-5
single-channel modem operation, 13-5
theory of operation, 13-3
transmitter circuit, 13-6
transmitter timing diagram, 13-7
watchdog reset function, 13-6
Communications verification
direct digital, 8-17
fiber optic, 8-18
modem, 8-16
Compensated lines, series, 3-1
Component locator drawings
ACT I/O module, 11-6
alarm I/O module, 21-5
communications controller module, 13-13
direct digital interface I/O module, 16-5
display controller, 9-11
display module front panel, 9-26
display module, oscillography board, 9-19
expansion chassis power supply, 26-2
fiber optic I/O modules, singlewidth, 18-14, 18-19, 18-25
fiber optic transceiver module, 17-3
line coupler I/O module, 15-3
modem module, 14-8
motherboard, 25-2
phase controller modules, 12-7
power supply modules, 19-8
relay I/O module, 20-7, 20-9, 20-11
short haul fiber interface module, 22-6
supervisor controller, 10-10
Conductor, open, 4-9
Configuration information, viewing, 6-39
RFL Electronics Inc.
(973) 334-3100

