The burner pump must receive the fuel from a suitable supply circuit
featuring an auxiliary pump with adjustable pressure from 0.5 ÷ 2
bar, pre-heated at 50 ÷ 60°C.
The fuel supply pressure to the burner pump (0.5 ÷ 2 bar) must not
change both with burner off and with working burner at the maximum
fuel output required by the boiler. The supply circuit must be realised
according to our drawings no. 0002901120 and no. 8666/3 even
when using low-viscosity fuel.
The pipe dimensioning must be carried out according to the pipe
length and the flow rate of the installed pump. Our instructions ensure
a good operation of the product. As far as the prescriptions specified
by the Italian Law no. 615 (emission law) and the Italian Ministry of
the Interior Bulletin no. 73 dated 29/07/71, as well as what set by the
local Fire Brigade are concerned, refer to the specific publications.
Viscosity - temperature diagram
Pumping limit
Viscosity range for atomization
10 /32
Curve 1 Diesel
2 Extrafluid
3 Fluid 3/5
4 Fluid 5/7
5 thick 8
6 Thick 15 - 20
7 Thick, viscosity
at 50°C
8 Thick, viscosity
at 50°C
9 Thick, viscosity
at 50°C
10 Thick, viscosity
at 50°C