9.2.2 Setting consumed drinks to zero
If you want to set to zero the total related to every
single button of each group, just follow the procedure
If you are already in the reading environment of con-
sumed drinks and litres, act on button B (group 1)
(backing of readings of consumed drinks and litres)
until the display shows "Cumulative total". If you are
not in the reading environment, enter it by pressing
button A (group 1) for more than 10 seconds.
When the display shows "Cumulative Total" press
button C and D (group 1) and keep them pressed at
the same time for at least 3 seconds.
9.2.3 Setting litres to zero
When the display shows (Fig.I°) it means that the
value set in TECHNICAL PROGRAMMING of the
litres that can be purified by the filter has been
To set this signalling to zero just supply the machine
by keeping buttons C and D pressed at the same
time (group 1)
Now the display will show the Reset operations (Fig.
Wait for dosing to go back to idle-on.
Then the display will go back to the initial setting
This procedure will set the litre reading to zero and
"eliminate" the "Change H2O Filter" indication.
The totals related to every single button will be auto-
matically set to zero.
WARNING. The "Cumulative Total" i.e.the
total resulting from the sum of all dispensings
made for every single button of each group
cannot be set to zero.
Note: the setting to zero of consumed drinks DOES
NOT SET TO ZERO the reading of consumed litres,
to set to zero this parameter please refer to the re-
levant paragraph.
To exit from the READING environment of CONSU-
MED DRINKS and LITRES press the button again
at any time.