■ you suffer from severe heart rhythm disorders or cardiac arrhythmias.
Due to the oscillometric measurement method used, incorrect
measured values may be obtained in some cases or it may not be
possible to measure blood pressure.
■ If this symbol
appears often, it may indicate heart rhythm
disorders. Please consult your doctor in that case. Severe heart rhythm
disorders may sometimes produce lead to measurements or reduce
measurement accuracy. Please discuss with your doctor whether
taking your own blood pressure is appropriate for you.
■ The readings taken by you are for your information only – they are not
a substitute for a medical examination. Discuss your measured values
with your doctor and never make a medical decision based on these
measurements (e.g. medication and dosage).
■ Taking your own blood pressure is not a substitute for medical
treatment. Do not interpret your measured values yourself and do
not use them to self-prescribe treatment. Take readings based on
the instructions of your doctor and trust his or her diagnosis. Take
medication only as prescribed by your doctor and do not alter the
dose on your own accord. Discuss with your doctor the appropriate
times to measure your blood pressure.
Notes on handling batteries
■ Observe the polarity labels plus (+) and minus (-).
■ Use only premium quality batteries (see specifications in Chapter 11 -
Technical Information). We cannot guarantee the stated measurement
performance if low-quality batteries are used.
■ Never mix old and new batteries or batteries from different
■ Remove empty batteries immediately.
■ Replace batteries if the battery symbol
■ Always replace all batteries at the same time.
■ If you do not intend to use the monitor for a longer period of time,
you should remove the batteries to prevent possible leakage.
Notes on batteries
■ Choking hazard
Small children could swallow batteries and suffocate on them. Keep
batteries out of the reach of children.
■ Risk of explosion
Do not throw batteries into a fire.
■ Batteries must not be charged or short-circuited.
remains illuminated.