It is very important that you have full knowledge of your motorbike and how it works.
WARNING: The engine should never be left running in an enclosed space because the toxic exhaust
fumes could have serious consequences on your health.
Open the petrol tap.
If the engine is cold, use the choke, which is located next the carburettor over the clutch lever
Turn the ignition key in a clockwise direction, check that the engine is in neutral, fully close the accelera-
tor grip and press the electrical start push-button.
Remember that the electrical starter motor must not be engaged for more than five seconds at a time.
A few seconds after the engine starts up the choke should be returned to its original position.
Then press the clutch lever and engage first gear, progressively releasing the clutch lever as the accele-
rator is smoothly operated.
Do not fully accelerate or operate the engine at a high rev count until it is sufficiently heated-up.
WARNING: Before actually moving off, you should always allow sufficient time for the
engine to heat up and should never strongly accelerate with the engine cold. This will
guarantee longer engine life.