User adjustments
6.3 Image capture
A short pressure on the black button will allow you to capture an image.
According to the parameter settings of your Imaging soft ware, the image with remain frozen on the
screen and you will have to press again on the same button to come back to live, or the image will
automatically shift to the live mode.
In both cases, the captured image is automatically saved in the patient fi le.
6.4 Flexible/Rigid
This function is used to guarantee an excellent image quality whatever the used endoscope.
FLEXIBLE: this function activates the ANTIMOIRE fi lter of the camera. It is used only for fl exible endoscopes
made with optic fi bers.
RIGID: this function cancels the ANTIMOIRE fi lter of the camera and allows getting back the DETAILS of
the image.
It is used for rigid and semi-rigid endoscopes.
A long pressure on the capture button (black) will active the anti-moiré*. A new long pressure will shift
back to Rigid.
When the anti-moiré* mode is activated, an F appears on the low right side of your screen.
*Anti-moiré : correction of the natural default of aliasing due to the association of a CCD camera with an
endoscope with optic fi bres.