Table 9.3
Guidelines and Manufacturer Declaration – Electromagnetic Interference Immunity
Guidelines and Manufacturer Declaration – Electromagnetic Interference Immunity
The KaWe examination lamp is designed to be used in the types of environments listed below.
The customer or user of the KaWe examination lamp is responsible for ensuring that this device is used in such an environment.
IEC 60601-test
Interference immunitytest
Conducted HF-interference
3 V
according to IEC 61000-4-6
150 kHz to 80 MHz
Radiated HF-interference
3 V/m
according to IEC 61000-4-3
80 MHz to 2.5 GHz
Note 1: For 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the larger of the two values applies.
Note 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from
structures, objects and people.
a: Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur
radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted with accuracy in theory. It is recommended that in order to assess
the electromagnetic environment caused by fixed HF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be conducted. If the measured field
strength at the location at which the KaWe examination lamp is used exceeds the applicable compliance level stated above, the equipment
should be checked at each of its locations of use in order to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional meas-
ures may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the KaWe examination lamp.
b: For frequencies ranging from 150 kHz to 80 MHz, the field strength is less than 3 V/m.
Electromagnetic environment – guidelines
Portable and mobile HF communications equipment should
be used no closer to the KaWe examination lamp (including
its power cords) than the recommended separation distance.
The separation distance is calculated using various equations
depending on the transmission frequency.
3 V
Recommended separation distance:
d = 1.17√P
3 V/m
d = 1.17√P for 80 MHz to 800 MHz
d = 2.34√P for 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
"P" is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter
in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
"d" is the recommended separation distance in meters (m).
Field strengths from fixed transmitters, as determined by
an electromagnetic survey of site "a" are less than the
compliance level in each frequency range.
Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked
with the following symbol.
Table 9.4
Recommended Separation Distances between Portable and Mobile HF Communications Equipment and the device or system
Recommended Separation Distances Between Portable and Mobile HF Communications Equipment
and the KaWe examination lamp
The KaWe examination lamp is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated HF disturbances are controlled. The
customer or the user of the equipment can help prevent electromagnetic interference by ensuring that the minimum distance (shown
below) between communications equipment (transmitters) and the KaWe examination lamp is maintained. The minimum distance is
dependent on the maximum output power and the frequency of the communications equipment.
Separation Distance According to Transmitter Frequencies
Rated Power Output of
150 kHz to 80 MHz
Transmitter (W)
d = 1.17√P
For transmitters with a maximum rated output not specified in the above table, the recommended separation distance (d) can be deter-
mined in meters (m) using the equation for each column, where the maximum rated power (P) of the transmitter is in watts (W) as given by
the transmitter manufacturer.
Note 1: For 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the larger of the two values applies.
Note 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from
structures, objects and people.
The warranty is two years after the sale, provided that the device was operated as intended and according to this User's Manual (except for illumination
sources, batteries and rechargeable batteries). If you have any questions, or your device requires repair, please contact your supplier.
80 MHz to 800 MHz
800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
d = 1.17√P
d = 2.34√P