Grundfos SP Guía De Producto página 7

Bombas sumergibles, motores y accesorios
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Publicidad Page 7 Tuesday, February 21, 2012 11:39 PM
SP Page 7 Tuesday, February 21, 2012 11:39 PM
Fig. 10 MS 4000
Fig. 10 MS 4000
Fig. 10 MS 4000
Protección contra rayos
Lightning protection
Fig. 10 MS 4000
Los motores sumergibles Grundfos más pequeños, como los
Lightning protection
The smallest Grundfos submersible motors, such as
MS 402, están todos aislados para minimizar el riesgo que el
The smallest Grundfos submersible motors, such as
Lightning protection
the MS 402, are all insulated in order to minimize the
motor se queme a causa de un rayo.
the MS 402, are all insulated in order to minimize the
The smallest Grundfos submersible motors, such as
risk of motor burnout caused by lightning strike.
risk of motor burnout caused by lightning strike.
Menor riesgo de corto-circuito
the MS 402, are all insulated in order to minimize the
Reduced risk of short-circuit
risk of motor burnout caused by lightning strike.
El devanado del estator incrustado en el motor sumergible MS
Reduced risk of short-circuit
The embedded stator winding in the Grundfos MS
de Grundfos está herméticamente encerrado en acero inoxida-
Reduced risk of short-circuit
The embedded stator winding in the Grundfos MS
submersible motor is hermetically enclosed in
ble. El resultado es una alta estabilidad mecánica y enfriamien-
submersible motor is hermetically enclosed in
The embedded stator winding in the Grundfos MS
stainless steel. The result is high mechanical stability
to óptimo. Esto también elimina el riesgo de corto-circuito de
stainless steel. The result is high mechanical stability
submersible motor is hermetically enclosed in
and optimum cooling. Also, this eliminates the risk of
los devanados provcado por la condensación del agua.
and optimum cooling. Also, this eliminates the risk of
stainless steel. The result is high mechanical stability
short-circuit of the windings caused by water
short-circuit of the windings caused by water
and optimum cooling. Also, this eliminates the risk of
Sello Mecánico
short-circuit of the windings caused by water
MS 402
Shaft seal
Shaft seal
El sello mecánico es del tipo del sello de labio que se caracte-
MS 402
Shaft seal
riza por la baja fricción contra el eje del rotor.
MS 402
The shaft seal is of the lip seal type characterized by
MS 402
El material de goma ofrece buena resistencia al desgaste,
The shaft seal is of the lip seal type characterized by
low friction against the rotor shaft.
buena elasticidad y resistencia a las partículas y es aprobado
low friction against the rotor shaft.
The shaft seal is of the lip seal type characterized by
The rubber material offers good wear resistance, good
low friction against the rotor shaft.
para usarse en agua para beber.
The rubber material offers good wear resistance, good
elasticity and resistance to particles, and it is approved
elasticity and resistance to particles, and it is approved
The rubber material offers good wear resistance, good
for use in drinking water.
MS 4000, MS6
for use in drinking water.
elasticity and resistance to particles, and it is approved
MS 4000, MS6
El material es cerámica/carburo de tungsteno, proporcionando
for use in drinking water.
MS 4000, MS6
un sellado óptimo, una excelente resistencia al desgaste y una
The material is ceramic/tungsten carbide providing
MS 4000, MS6
The material is ceramic/tungsten carbide providing
optimum sealing, optimum wear resistance and
larga duración.
The material is ceramic/tungsten carbide providing
optimum sealing, optimum wear resistance and
long life.
El sello mecánico con resorte cargado, está diseñado con una
optimum sealing, optimum wear resistance and
long life.
The spring loaded shaft seal is designed with a large
gran superficie y un escudo para arena. El resultado es un
long life.
The spring loaded shaft seal is designed with a large
surface and a sand shield. The result is a minimum
intercambio mínimo de líquidos bombeados y del motor y sin
The spring loaded shaft seal is designed with a large
surface and a sand shield. The result is a minimum
exchange of pumped and motor liquids and no
penetración de partículas.
surface and a sand shield. The result is a minimum
exchange of pumped and motor liquids and no
penetration of particles.
exchange of pumped and motor liquids and no
Los motores, versión R, se suministran con sello mecánico
penetration of particles.
Motors, version R, are supplied with a SiC/SiC shaft
penetration of particles.
SiC/SiC. Existen otras combinaciones disponibles sobre pedi-
Motors, version R, are supplied with a SiC/SiC shaft
seal. Other combinations are available request. See
Motors, version R, are supplied with a SiC/SiC shaft
do. En las fig. 11 y 12 se pueden ver ilustrados los componen-
fig. 11 and fig. 12 for an illustration of shaft seal
seal. Other combinations are available request. See
seal. Other combinations are available request. See
components and configuration.
tes y la configuración del sello mecánico.
fig. 11 and fig. 12 for an illustration of shaft seal
fig. 11 and fig. 12 for an illustration of shaft seal
components and configuration.
components and configuration.
MMS rewindable motors
MMS rewindable motors
The standard shaft seal is a ceramic/carbon
The standard shaft seal is a ceramic/carbon
MMS rewindable motors
mechanical shaft seal. The shaft seal is replaceable.
mechanical shaft seal. The shaft seal is replaceable.
Motores rebobinables MMS
The standard shaft seal is a ceramic/carbon
The material features good wear resistance and
The material features good wear resistance and
El sello mecánico estándar es de cerámica/carbón. El
mechanical shaft seal. The shaft seal is replaceable.
resistance to particles.
resistance to particles.
sello mecánico es reemplazable.
The material features good wear resistance and
Together with the shaft seal housing, the sand shield
Together with the shaft seal housing, the sand shield
resistance to particles.
El material presenta buena resistencia al desgaste y
forms a labyrinth seal, which during normal operating
forms a labyrinth seal, which during normal operating
resistencia a las partículas.
conditions prevents penetration of sand particles into
Together with the shaft seal housing, the sand shield
conditions prevents penetration of sand particles into
the shaft seal.
forms a labyrinth seal, which during normal operating
Junto con la caja del sello mecánico, el escudo para
the shaft seal.
conditions prevents penetration of sand particles into
arena forma un sellado en forma de laberinto, que du-
On request, motors can be supplied with a SiC/SiC
On request, motors can be supplied with a SiC/SiC
the shaft seal.
rante las condiciones normales de operación evita la
penetración de partículas de arena al sello mecánico.
On request, motors can be supplied with a SiC/SiC
Los motores se pueden suministrar con un sello SiC/
SiC bajo pedido.
Fig. 11 Shaft seal, MS 4000
Fig. 11 Shaft seal, MS 4000
Fig. 11 Shaft seal, MS 4000
Fig. 11 Sello Mecánico, MS4000
Fig. 12 Shaft seal, MS6
Fig. 12 Sello Mecánico, MS6
Fig. 12 Shaft seal, MS6
Fig. 12 Shaft seal, MS6


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