The sealed battery does not require any maintenance work.
When electrolyte leaks, or other failures to the electrical sys-
tem are detected, apply to the HUSQVARNA Dealer.
If the vehicle remains unused for long periods, it is recom-
mended to remove battery from electrical system and store it
in a dry place.
- After an intensive use of the battery, it's advisable a stan-
dard low charge (12V-6Ah battery: 0.6A for 8 hours).
- Rapid recharging is advised only in situations of extreme ne-
cessity since the life of lead elements is drastically reduced
(6A for 0.5 hours with 12V-6Ah batteries).
To gain access to the battery (2):
- first turn counterclockwise fastening rear pin (1) then re-
move the saddle;
- first remove the BLACK or BLUE negative cable, then the RED
positive cable (when reassembling, first connect the RED pos-
itive cable, then the BLACK or BLUE negative cable);
- remove the battery (2) from its housing.
Check, using a voltmeter, that battery voltage is not less than
12,5 V.
If not, the battery needs to be charged.
Using a battery charter with a constant voltage, first connect
the RED positive cable to the battery's positive terminal then
the BLACK or BLUE negative cable to the battery's negative ter-
Apply to the constant voltage of 14,4 V a current of "x"
Ampere as results in the belowe diagram (depending on the
amount of carging required).
The voltage reaches a constant value only after a few hours,
therefore it is suggested NOT to measure it immediately after
having charged or discharged the battery.
Always check the charge level bifore reinstalling it on the vehi-
The battery should be kept clean and the terminals coated with
WARNING*: The battery contains sulfuric
acid. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or
clothing. Antidote: EXTERNAL - Flush with
water. INTERNAl - Drink large quantities of
water or milk. After milk take magnesia,
beaten eggs or vegetable oil. Call physician
immediately. Eyes: Flush with water for no
less than 15 minutes and get prompt medi-
cal attention.