If this light
And this condition exists
is on
Memory Full
Flashing yellow light, continuous alarm
Memory Full
Continuous yellow light, continuous
Loose Lead
Continuous yellow light and continuous
It means...
When the SmartMonitor 2 Memory Almost Full parameter is
reached, the Memory Full light will flash. The alarm will sound
continuously. (The alarm will sound only if your dealer programs
your SmartMonitor 2 to do so at the 50% full or at 80% full).
Press the RESET button to silence the alarm. The light will blink
every second.
Memory Almost Full is a warning condition. You can
continue monitoring. Please contact your dealer to
resolve the alarm.
SmartMonitor 2 memory is 100% full. Press the RESET button
to silence the alarm.
The alarm will sound only if your dealer
programs your SmartMonitor 2 to do so.
The light will stay on continuously. Then contact your dealer to
resolve the alarm. (See also Transferring the Monitor Memory in
this manual for more information).
The yellow loose lead light and the alarm may sound
continuously when there is a problem with any of the following:
Lead wires
Electrode belt
Patient cable, or
Connections between the baby's skin, and the electrodes,
the lead wires, the patient cable, and the SmartMonitor 2.
Responding to Alarms