Turning the Unit On and Off
Wth the scale off, press ON/UNITS OFF to turn on. Make sure the weghng pan s
empty before turnng the scale on. Allow 15-30 mnutes for the scale to warm up
before use. Wth the scale on, long-press ON/UNITS OFF to turn off.
Manual Tare
Place a contaner on the weghng pan, then press TARE. The dsplay wll show
a net value of "0" as the Tare weght s regstered. Remove the contaner, and the
resultng negatve value dsplayed wll be equvalent to the Tare weght. To clear the
Tare value, press TARE wth the pan empty.
Zero Operation
Press ZERO to zero the stable weght dsplay (the weght must be wthn ±2% of
scale capacty). Center of Zero s ndcated by the LED annuncator.
Checkweigh Target Setting
Compares the weght of an tem aganst a pre-set Over-Under range.
To actvate Checkweghng Mode, refer to user setup (Secton 5.2).
• Press CHECK to ntate enterng Over-Under parameters.
• The value of the "OVER" target lmt wll be dsplayed frst, wth the actve dgt
flashng (the "OVER" LED annuncator s lt).
• Enter the desred "OVER" lmt value by pressng -No to ncrement the actve dgt or
-Back to shft to the next dgt.
• Press -Yes to accept the dsplayed value and proceed to the "UNDER" target lmt
(the "UNDER" LED annuncator s lt).
• Enter the desred "UNDER" lmt value by pressng -No to ncrement the actve dgt
or -Back to shft to the next dgt.
• Press -Exit to accept the dsplayed value and ext nto checkweghng mode.
• "OVER" or "UNDER" LED annuncators wll lght f the weght of an tem
placed on the pan s over or under the pre-set lmts, respectvely. "OVER"
and "UNDER" LED annuncators wll lght smultaneously f the weght s
wthn the pre-set lmts.