The control unit housing, tubing, and mattress should be cleaned between patients.
To clean, use water and a clean cloth to wipe down the Control Unit, power cord, hoses, mattress top cover,
middle layer and bottom cover. Do not clean the foam. Do not use abrasive cleaners on the mattress. Note: Blood
and other body fluids must be thoroughly cleaned from all surfaces before applying disinfectants.
Apply disinfectants to the external surfaces of the control unit, hoses and mattress top cover, middle layer and
bottom cover by wiping. Stryker recommends a chlorine-based solution with a concentration less than or equal to
1000 ppm or 70% alcohol twice a week.
It is not recommended to disinfect the internal parts of the mattress on a regular basis, but only as needed for
particular instance, the air cell and the middle layer of the cover could be wiped with a cloth and disinfectants as
recommended above.
Wipe down the mattress with a clean, dry cloth to remove any excess of disinfectant.
If other detergent or other cleaning agent is used, choose one that will not have adverse chemical effects on the
surface of the plastic case of the control unit, mattress cover and any other component of the device.
When cleaning the support surface, ensure that no liquid is allowed to seep into the zipper area and watershed
cover barrier (underside); fluids allowed to come in contact with the zipper may leak into the support surface.
Avoid dust and proximity to dusty areas.
All components should be air dried thoroughly before use.
Do not use phenolic based products for cleaning.
Do no dry the mattress in direct sunlight.
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Cleaning and Disinfection
476005-5210 V1.6