Preventative maintenance should be performed annually, at a minimum. A preventative maintenance program should
be established for all Stryker Medical equipment. Preventative maintenance may need to be performed more frequently
based on the usage level of the product.
Cover zipper opens and closes properly and has no visible damage.
No tears, rips, holes, cracks, or other openings in the mattress cover.
Check labels for legibility, proper adherence, and integrity.
Support surface cover straps and snaps are intact and are not damaged.
Straps properly secure the support surface assembly to the crib.
Foam and other components have not degraded or come apart.
Check main power cord and do not plug if there is an abrasion or excessive wear.
Check airflow from the air hose.
Check the air hose if there is kink or breaks.
Verify proper operation of the unit before returning it to service.
Product Serial Number:
Completed by: _____________________________________________
Preventive Maintenance
476005-5210 V1.6
Date: _______________________
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