5 Setup menu
Press the 'ON' key and hold it down for 6 seconds. The
menu will be displayed on screen.
Use the 'UP' and 'DOWN' keys to move through the
• Press the 'ON' key to confirm when the required menu item has been selected.
• Use the 'UP' and 'DOWN' keys to move through the parameters.
• Press the 'ON' key to confirm when the required parameter has been selected.
• Use the 'UP' and 'DOWN' keys to increase/decrease the value, or to switch a function
on/off depending on the type of parameter.
• Press the 'ON' key to confirm when the change has been made.
• Use the 'DOWN' key to select 'Exit' and press 'ON' to return to the menu. Repeat this to
return to the main screen.
5.1 Menu item 'Measure'
5.1.1 Reset measurement
The function 'Reset measurement' is used to reset the
chain counter to 0 (zero).
Use of the function during normal operation:
Press the 'ON' and 'UP' keys simultaneously for at least 3
seconds. This resets the chain counter.
5.1.2 Units
The function 'Units' allows the measurement unit to be selected:
• Metres: metres/centimetres
• Feet: feet/inches
5.1.3 Rope Chain
Do not use! Is set to 'Off'.
5.1.4 Exit
Function 'Exit' is used to return to the menu.
Mea sur e
A la r ms & Func ti o ns
S e tt i ngs
La ng ua ge
S e nso r Ca l i b r a t i on
La ng ua ge
S e nso r Ca l i b r a t i on
C ur r ent Ca l .
Test s
Ex i t
R ese t Mea s.
Uni t s
R op e C ha i n
Exi t
Control panel / chain counter CCM
Met er s