User Instructions for BiZZER Bipolar Scissors
795-145, 795-180, 795-545, 795-580, 796-170, 796-570, 797-180, 797-230, 797-280, 797-580,
797-630, 797-680, 798-145, 798-180, 798-230, 798-280, 798-545, 798-580, 798-630, 798-680
Medical Products Directive
This product complies with Directive 93/42 EEC regarding medical products.
1. Intended use
The bipolar scissors are intended to be used for the preparation, cutting and coagulation of tissue in various open surgery disciplines,
such as general and abdominal surgery, urology, gynaecology and ENT.
The bipolar scissors may be used as conventional instruments (without power) or as electrosurgical instruments, in the latter case by
connecting them to the bipolar output of a suitable HF generator by means of a bipolar cable.
Surface coagulation
Do not use the bipolar scissors if, in the opinion of an experienced physician or according to current professional literature, such use
would cause endangerment of the patient, for example due to the general condition of the patient, or if other contraindications are
Do not use for the preparation of metallic implants, such as stents.
Do not use on the heart, on the central circulatory system or on the central nervous system.
Do not use for the contraceptive coagulation of the Fallopian tubes.
Connection combinations
The maximum permitted voltage is 200 Vp.
The instrument should be used in combination with the following cables: 378-045, 378-145, 378-245.
The connection cable of COMFORT items 795-545, 795-580, 796-570, 797-580, 797-630, 797-680, 798-545, 798-580, 798-630 and
798-680 is permanently connected to the instrument.
Generators with Plug'n Cut COMFORT recognise BOWA COMFORT instruments and automatically select the appropriate parameters.
Power recommendations
The instrument may only be used with a bipolar coagulation current.
The recommended power setting is 30–50 W.
2. Physical operation
The heating effect is generated by a high-frequency current at >300 kHz.
Electrolytic effects and irritation are not apparent at frequencies above about 20 kHz.
The thermal effect produces coagulation of the biological tissue.
Cutting is effected mechanically.
3. Safety instructions
1. Sterilise goods supplied in non-sterile form before use. Maximum permissible sterilisation temperature 138 °C.
2. The user must be trained and competent in the basics, the rules of application and the risks of HF surgery.
3. Instruments must only be used by trained medical staff.
4. Pay attention to correct cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation.
5. Hot-air sterilisation is prohibited.
6. The instrument must be checked for damage before use.
Bipolar scissors have high-quality ceramic parts that must be handled with special care and protected against breakage.
If there is any damage, the instrument may no longer be used.
7. The instrument must not be stressed beyond its mechanical limits.
8. Follow the user instructions for the HF generator.
9. Follow the user instructions for the connecting cable.
10. The operation area must be free of explosive gases or inflammable fluids and materials.
11. The instrument must not come into contact with any other uninsulated instruments or objects.
12. Route cables with no loops in them, keep them isolated from other cables,
and do not let them come into contact with patients.
MN031-516-S0 11/12
Coagulation before cutting
BOWA-electronic GmbH & Co. KG
Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 4-10
Tel. (+49) 7072-6002-0
Fax (+49) 7072-6002-33
Coagulation during cutting
72810 Gomaringen, Germany
Spot coagulation