Operating the Display
A dot matrix LCD display with 2 x 16 cha-
racters is integrated in the housing of the
Solar Inverter. The language of the dis-
played messages can be selected (German,
English, Spanish, Italian, or French). The
four arrow keys to the right of the display
are for navigating the menu structure. The
background lighting of the display is acti-
vated by pressing any random key. It auto-
matically switches off if no input is made
for more than one minute.
As a standard, line one of the display
shows the current total output of the Solar
Inverter, and line two shows the partial
output of the three energy units 1 to 3.
This information is always displayed if no
key is pressed for one minute.
· Menu Guide
Activate the main menu by pressing any
random key. In the top menu level, there
are four items to choose from:
· display current values
· display energy yield
· change settings
· display Solar Inverter specifications
· Navigating with the Arrow Keys
You can use the UP arrow
keys to scroll within a menu
level. To select a menu item, press the
RIGHT arrow key
higher menu level, press the LEFT arrow
· Setting Values
To set values, move to the next figure by
pressing the RIGHT arrow key. To change
the current figure, press the UP/DOWN
arrow key. If the cursor is on the last figu-
re, you can confirm the input by pressing
the RIGHT arrow key. To abort the changes
during entry, press the LEFT arrow key.
and DOWN
. To return to a