Safety Instructions
The user manual contains safety instruc-
tions. They are marked by a triangle with
an exclamation mark.
General Safety Instructions
All safety instructions contained in this
section as well as in the entire user manu-
al must be observed to ensure the safety
of the user. The described product may
not be operated if any mechanical or elec-
trical component is defect.
Prior to commissioning the PV system, we
strongly recommend reading and observing
the manual and the instructions carefully!
Non-compliance may lead to serious con-
sequences such as damage to the device,
damage to other assets, personal injury, or
fatal accidents.
The Solar Inverter may only be installed
by a trained and qualified electrician.
It must be approved by the power supply
company in charge. In the chapter
headings, the due steps are additionally
marked by the adjacent symbol.