Turn the switch (selector) which choose the speedy in the desired position.
In the pumps type 30 and 40 the selector acts as the switch.
Picture 7.1 - Switch starting pump type 50, 60 and 70.
Picture 7.2 - Switch starting pump type 30 and 40
The electric pump "Volumex" is made of: a) pumpbody in stainless steel (AISI 304); b) rotor in neoprene quality; c)
motor with inverter permitting the reversible flow; d) by-pass (optional); e) support trolley.
The electric pump "Volumex" is a machine destined to the wine-making industry. Any other utilization is to be consi-
dered unsuitable to verify time by time by the owner.
The builder couldn't be responsible for possible damages caused by inappropriate mistaken and unreasonable uses.
8.1 - Things not to do
Do not take away the serving test, even during the washing (the possible water which enters could damage the shaft
and all the connected bearings).
Don't let work the rotor without liquid.
It is absolutely forbidden to let convey through the pump acid substance (for example liquids, used for the cleaning of
the stacks).
Never use the pump with alcohols or in an explosive atmosphere;
Don't trample on the electrical wires.
Don't cross the pipes with motor vehicles.
Don't move the pneumatics during the pumping.
Don't introduce fingers or other strange bodies in the pump's mouths.
Picture 8.1 - Movement not to do.
8.2 - Functionning of the machine
The electric pumps "Volumex" in stainless steel are put into motion by an electrical motor directly dovetailed to the
rotor or through transmission belt. The entrance and the passage of the being made liquid is made through two
mouths of variable dimensions depends on the model, put at the two sides of the pumpbody, with a coin between the
two mouths of about 120 degrees C. The by-pass (optional), put into motion by a regulation cock, permit the passage
of a higher or smaller quantity of liquid with a consequent increase or decrease of pressure.
The by-pass (for pumps which are provided with) in case you will obtain the maximum capacity and suction, should
be closed (lever turned towards the trolley's handle).
Picture 8.2 - By-pass closed
Picture 8.3 - By-pass opened
8.3 Inconveniences and remedies
Stated beforehand that the majority
of the functioning defects occurs for
an incorrect utilization of the machi-
ne, in the following table are shown
some possible bad functionnings that
could occur and the measures to take
to obviate to them.
8.4 - Normal stop of the machine
For the putting out of the machine act on the general plug and bring it in the zero middle position.
8.5 - Emergency stop
For the emergency stop you should intervene on the pump plug or on that on the wall.
8.6 - Start again after a stop
To start again the machine after a stop, it is necessary to let start again the pump in the opposite direction and to chan-
ge immediateley the direction (shaft return).
lost of liquid from the hole
of the pump body's head
break of one or more fins
of the rotor
damage or wear and tear of
the pipes
broken transmission belt or
too much clearance of it
change the rubber ring and eventually the compass in cera-
mics (the shaft for the models before 1997) and:or the bea-
rings upon agreement with qualified stuff
change the rotor and contact the qualified stuff
substitution of them with others suitable
for the utilization
substitution of the transmission belt