Caution – For proper ventilation, each system in the rack enclosure requires 28
square inches (181 square cm) of unrestricted airflow into the front of the system,
and 23 square inches (148 square cm) of unrestricted exhaust port at the back of the
system. Maintain a minimum 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) clearance between the system and
any front or back doors. See Appendix A for more information.
Prepare the Rack Enclosure
1. Open and remove (if applicable) the front and back doors of the rack enclosure.
See the instructions provided with your rack enclosure.
2. Stabilize the rack enclosure by extending its anti-tip legs or bolting the rack
securely to the floor.
See the instructions provided with your rack enclosure.
3. Remove the side panels from the rack enclosure, if applicable.
See the instructions provided with your rack enclosure. Removing the side panels
can improve access to the nuts and screws that are installed when securing the
system in the rack enclosure.
Chapter 2
Rack Installation