d) Other types of kegs :
You will have to use cutting nippers as indicated in the previous section. Remove the cover from the plug and then using
the cutting nippers cut the aeration plug.
For the last two types of kegs, once the plug is cut, insert the yellow universal plug supplied with your device in the
created hole.
Warning : Please let the beer rest before piercing the plug to avoid splashings.
When the keg is empty, recover the universal plug (Fig e‐9) and clean it with a dish cleaning product. Carefully rinse it. It
may then be used for another keg.
e) Adapter for kegs type Heineken® (version 2.1 ‐ Fig e‐3 and below) :
Connect the beer outlet tube to the adapter (Figure 13)
Place the adapter directly on the keg by pressing on the sides (Fig. 12)
Put the keg in the cooling compartment making sure that the beer outlet tube is not folded.