Keep your head and neck in a neutral position (nose in line with belly
button, chin level). Do not bend you neck forward, backward or side ways.
be very careful not to move your neck while this is done.
1. Undo the hook and loop straps.
Remove the Back of the collar, sliding out from under neck if necessary.
2. Remove the Front.
3. Wash front and back of neck with mild facial soap and water and
completely dry the skin. Observe for any redness or irritation under
the collar, especially over bony areas like the chin, clavicles, or back
of the head.
Patient laying down: back of the head will be checked and cleaned at
a later step.
Wearing a beard may cause skin irritation in men.
Redness on chin may indicate improper use of a pillow. If permitted,
pillows must always be placed behind the head and shoulders.
4. Clean the Front and Back of collar and replace the soiled pads with
clean ones as directed below.
Call Össur Customer Service (1 800 257 8440) to purchase extra pads.
5. Peel the soiled, blue pads off. Look carefully at the shape as you
remove them so that you can reposition the clean pads properly. The
pads attach with hook and loop.
6. Wash the pads with mild facial soap and water. DO NOT use bleach
or harsh detergents. Thoroughly rinse the pads with clean water.
Wring out the excess water and squeeze in a towel. Lay the pads out
flat to air dry. It should take less than 60 minutes for them to dry.
7. Wipe the white plastic collar shell clean with mild soap and water.
8. Attach the replacement pads. Fold the pads in half with the dull side
out next to the hook and loop (the shiny side goes against the skin);
then center the pad in the white shell.
adjust pads as needed to make sure no plastic touches the skin.
9a. Patient laying down
Slide the Back carefully behind the patient's neck. Make sure it is
centered evenly.
Long hair should be placed outside the collar.
9b. Flare the sides of the Front out, slide it up the chest wall and
scoop it up! under the chin.
10. REPLacE cOLLaR (cONT'd)
10a. Sides of the collar Front should be directed up toward the
patient´s ears.
10b. Patient sitting
Place the Back behind the patient´s neck. Make sure it is centered
evenly. Attach the Back straps loosely to the Front.