| Mastertech II VCI
Mastertech II VCI turns off
immediately when discon-
nected from the vehicle
during a diagnostic session
Mastertech II VCI
does not remain on
during cranking or DLC disconnect, there
may be a problem charging the internal
Mastertech II VCI
ered up if power is lost during engine crank-
ing or after it is disconnected from power
(vehicle DLC) during a diagnostic session.
Mastertech II VCI
user that power has been lost unexpectedly
during the diagnostic session.
1. Check for 12V power supply at the vehi-
cle DLC.
2. Ensure that the
Mastertech II VCI
been connected to the vehicle DLC for at
least 90 seconds to charge the internal
"Checkmark" LED flashing
on the Mastertech II VCI
If the internal temperature of
Mastertech II VCI
has exceeded the maxi-
mum limit,
Mastertech II VCI
cally turn off the wireless adapter. This will
be visible to the user by the Checkmark
LED flashing. When the internal tempera-
ture of
Mastertech II VCI
ceptable value, the wireless adapter will be
re-enabled for wireless communication.
Mastertech II VCI
tion near the vehicle.
1699200881 | 2020.03.02
should remain pow-
will beep to notify the
will automati-
lowers to an ac-
to a cooler loca-
Wireless communication
with network unsuccessful
using DWA131 E1 dongle
The D-Link DWA131 E1 dongle is not in-
tended to be used for computer wireless
communication to a network. The DWA131
E1 dongle is only intended to be used with
Mastertech II VCI
for point-to-point commu-
nication or infrastructure wireless commu-
Make sure only one D-Link wireless
dongle is connected to the computer.
Make sure you are not trying to connect
the computer to your network using the
DWA131 E1 dongle.
VCI Manager dis-
plays yellow icon over
Mastertech II VCI after
previous use
There may be instances when Windows
does not recognize the installation of the
DWA131 E1 wireless adapter. In these
cases, Windows may create a new wireless
profile instead of using the existing one
already stored on the computer. The yellow
icon displayed over your
instructs you to plug in the USB connecting
cable between
Mastertech II VCI
Unplug and then reinstall your wire-
less adapter. Windows will attempt to
recognize the wireless adapter. If suc-
cessful, the yellow icon will disappear
Mastertech II VCI
wireless point-to-point communication.
Bosch Automotive Service Solutions, Inc.
Mastertech II VCI
and the
will be ready for