1. Serious angiospasm, vasoconstriction, or too weak pulse.
2. When extremely low or high heart rate or serious arrhythmia of the subject occurs. Especially auricular
fibrillation will lead to unreliable or impossible measurement.
3. Do not take the measurement when the subject is connected with an artificial heart-lung machine.
4. Do not take the measurement when the subject uses diuresis or vasodilator.
5. When the subject is suffering from major hemorrhage, hypovolemic shock and other conditions with
rapid blood pressure change or when the subject has too low body temperature, the reading will not be
reliable, for reduced peripheral blood flow will lead to reduced arterial pulsation.
6. Subject with hyperadiposis;
In addition, statistics show that 37% people report blood pressure difference of no less than 0.80kPa(6mmHg)
between the left and right arms, and 13% people report difference of no less than 1.47kPa (11mmHg).
Some practitioners may report big discreteness or abnormal value of the blood pressure measures
when the oscillating method is used. As a matter of fact, the so-called "big discreteness" must be a term in
the sense of statistical significance of mass data. Abnormal data may be observed in some individual cases.
It is normal in the scientific experiments. It may be caused by an apparent reason, or by an unknown factor
in some cases. Such individual doubtful experimental data may be identified and eliminated using the
special statistical technique. It is not a part of this manual. The practitioner may eliminate the apparently
unreasonable data according to the experience.
8.2 SpO
8.2.1 Measuring Principle
Based on Lamber-Beer law, the light absorbance of a given substance is directly proportional with its density or
concentration. When the light with certain wavelength emits on human tissue, the measured intensity of light
after absorption, reflecting and attenuation in tissue can reflect the structure character of the tissue by which the
light passes. Due to that oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO
absorption character in the spectrum range from red to infrared light (600nm~1000nm wavelength), by using
these characteristics, SpO
-- a percentage of the hemoglobin that can transport oxygen. In contrast, hemoximeters report fractional oxygen
saturation – a percentage of all measured hemoglobin, including dysfunctional hemoglobin, such as
carboxyhemoglobin or metahemoglobin.
8.2.2 SpO
Measurement Restrictions (interference reason)
Intravascular dyes such as indocyanine green or methylene blue
Exposure to excessive illumination, such as surgical lamps, bilirubin lamps, fluorescent lights, infrared
heating lamps, or direct sunlight.
Vascular dyes or external used color-up product such as nail enamel or color skin care
Excessive patient movement
Placement of a sensor on an extremity with a blood pressure cuff, arterial catheter, or intravascular line
Exposure to the chamber with high pressure oxygen
User Manual for Vital Signs Monitor
can be determined. SpO
) and deoxygenated hemoglobin (Hb) have different
measured by this monitor is the functional oxygen saturation