While the charger is detecting the hearing aid, the light indicator turns
solid yellow:
Assim que o carregador detetar o aparelho auditivo, começará o carrega-
Once the charger has detected the hearing aid, the charging will begin.
The light indicator will flash green to indicate that the hearing aid is low
O indicador luminoso irá cintilar com a cor verde para indicar que o apa-
on battery and less than 40% charged:
relho auditivo tem pouca bateria e menos de 40% carregado:
Once the charger has detected the hearing aid, the charging will begin.
The light indicator will flash green to indicate that the hearing aid is low
on battery and less than 40% charged:
The light indicator will glow green to indicate that the hearing aid is more
O indicador luminoso irá brilhar com a cor verde para indicar que o apa-
than 40% charged:
relho auditivo está mais de 40% carregado:
The light indicator will turn solid green to indicate that the hearing aid is