remove debris. Use a syringe filled with enzymatic
cleaning solution to flush hard to reach internal
areas. When cleaning articulating instruments, (those
with moveable parts), brush with a soft non-metallic
bristle brush to remove all traces of blood and debris.
Pay close attention to threads, crevices, seams,
and any hard to reach areas. Actuate any moveable
mechanisms, such as hinged joints, box locks, or
spring-loaded features, to free trapped blood and
debris. If the components of the instrument can be
retracted, retract or open the part while cleaning the
area. For instruments with flexible shafts, flex the
instrument under the cleaning solution.
Rinsing Instructions
Rinse the instrument thoroughly with filtered water at
38–49ºC, agitate for a minimum of 1 minute; repeat rinse
at least two additional times. When rinsing, pay particular
attention to flush the cannulations, lumens, or holes with
warm tap water. Also pay particular attention to internal
areas and moveable parts. Actuate moveable parts
while rinsing. If the components of the instrument can be
retracted, retract or open the part while rinsing the area.
For instruments with flexible shafts, flex the instrument
under the rinse solution.
Drying Instructions
Dry the instrument immediately after final rinse. Use
filtered compressed air to dry internal areas. After drying
proceed to Inspection instructions.
Inspect all instruments before sterilization or storage
to ensure the complete removal of soil from surfaces,
tubes and holes, moveable parts.
If areas are difficult to inspect visually, check for
blood by immersing or flushing the instrument in
a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. If bubbling is
observed, blood is present. Rinse instruments
thoroughly after using hydrogen peroxide solution.
If soil is still present, reclean the instrument.
Between uses, lubricate moving parts with a
water-soluble lubricant in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.
Visually inspect the instrument and check for damage
and wear.