Technical specifications
Audio alarm sound pressure range
– @ 10%: 46 dB to 48 dB
– @ 100%: 71 dB to 74 dB
For some messages displayed on the Infinity Cen-
tralStation Wide, the
'd' (for example,
Alternate speed feature
The R-50 "Alternate speed" feature is not
supported for IACS or M300 monitors.
Changing layouts
When changing layouts, all recordings are can-
celled (even if the bed is assigned in both lay-
Known issues
Special-condition banners
Special-condition banners (such as HR,ASY,VF off
or HR alarms off) may temporarily hide status mes-
Updating demographics in ICS database
Changes to patient name and ID # entered at the
patient monitor will be automatically updated in the
ICS database.
However, changes to all other patient demographic
data entered at the patient monitor will not be up-
dated in the ICS database until the Admit dialog for
that monitor displays at the ICS.
Supplement Infinity CentralStation Wide VG2.n / M300 VG1.n
Supplement for Infinity CentralStation Wide VG2.n and M300 VG1.n
symbol displays as a letter
may display as dSpO
Mouse pointer in dual-screen mode
When in dual-screen mode, moving the mouse
from the right screen to the left screen causes an
inactive mouse pointer to appear on the right
The delta T value
The delta T (temperature differential) value in the
Trends table may sometimes display a rounding
error of plus or minus 0.1 degrees Celsius or
Events screen
In the Events dialog, the asterisk (*) may be miss-
ing from the label(s) of the etO2* and/or inO2*
parameters alarm events (i.e., from SCIO).
NMT plotting
When individual NMT values ('+') are sampled
more frequently than one per minute, they may not
be plotted in the trend graph, but the numerical val-
ues are still displayed in both the trends graph and
the trends table.
Events screen
For IACS bedsides only: If a large number of
events are stored, the "Total" number displayed will
be accurate and indicate the actual total number
stored. Numbers indicated for certain individual
classes may be inaccurate.