:: It is necessary to have regular and timely maintenance checks performed in order to
secure reliable functioning of the system. Most of the maintenance is carried out by an
installation company at least once a year during periodical maintenance inspections.
:: User maintenance consists mainly of keeping the individual devices clean. The
ADMINISTRATOR of the system can switch se system to a MAINTENANCE mode in
order to be able to open the detectors (change batteries) or to remove them from the
installation. Consult the request to set the MAINTENANCE mode with the installation
company. If the system is configured to the "EN 50131-1, grade 2" system profile, the
MAINTENANCE mode is not available.
:: The system can be switched to the maintenance mode via the J-Link software or from
the menu of the keypad with LCD display. After authorization a "Maintenance mode"
can be selected with a selection of sections where the maintenance is needed. In the
maintenance mode no alarms will be triggered in the selected sections, including opening
or removing the detectors from the installation.
:: The maintenance mode is indicated by the activation button flashing green (2 flashes each
2 seconds) and by the two segment buttons of the particular section lighting off.
:: When handling with the devices a care must be taken to avoid damage to the plastic and
mechanisms of the detectors.
:: The cover is usually secured with a tab that needs to me slightly pushed into the
detector's body with a small tool (e.g. screwdriver) and then the cover can be taken off. In
some cases, the tab is secured with a small locking screw that must be unscrewed first.
:: When changing batteries in the detector, always replace all batteries in the particular
detector at the same time (use batteries of the same type and from the same
:: Some devices may require testing (e.g. fi re detectors). For more information please
contact your service technician.
sections. Up to 230 devices can be connected and the system offers up to 128 multi-purpose
programmable outputs (e.g. home automation).
system is designed for up to 600 users and it can be divided into 15 individual